Thick Client Penetration Testing Services

Our thick client penetration testing services identify and fix the most complex vulnerabilities in proprietary components and communication protocols of modern desktop applications, whether it’s built on a two-tier or a three-tier infrastructure.

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What is Thick Client Penetration Testing?

Thick client penetration testing is an assessment designed to identify and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in desktop applications using the same tools and techniques as hackers. Whether the thick client built on a two tier or three tier architecture, our assessments allow organizations to identify and fix real-world opportunites for hackers to exploit their company’s applications to launch further malicious acts on their user’s computer.

Why Conduct a Thick Client Pentest?

Conducting a penetration test of your thick client provides invaluable insights into the potential cyber threats that may compromise the cybersecurity of your mission-critical apps and its end users. Here is what you will get after conducting a project with our team:

Our tests will test the effectiveness of your app’s existing security controls in preventing and detecting attacks. By simulating an attacker, our experts will identify gaps in your defenses and provide remediation measures to improve your ability to prevent cyberattacks.

Our tests will identify and measure vulnerabilities that could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or launch further attacks on your user’s computer. By understanding exactly what could happen during an attack, organizations can prioritize their security efforts and allocate resources effectively in securing mission-critical applications.

Our team will help you identify all existing vulnerabilities in your mobile application and its underlying hosting infrastructure, whether it’s cloud-based or in-house. The test will result in prioritized remediation steps to help reduce your overall risk exposure.

Our services will provide detailed information on how an attacker can breach your thick client, what data or critical systems they could target and how to protect them. With this information, our team will provide you with tailored recommendations to improve your application’s security posture and protect it against potential threats.

Gain a deeper understanding of development processes that might inadvertently introduce security risks, allowing you to develop more secure applications and features in the future.

When Should You Perform a Penetration Test of Your Thick Client?

Organizations should consider performing a thick client penetration test on recurring basis to maintain a robust security posture:

Common Cybersecurity Risks & Vulnerabilities Identified

Thick clients often store a lot of sensitive data locally, making it a prime target for attackers looking to steal sensitive information.

Our thick client penetration testing services identify risks unique to your application and cover the most common vulnerabilities and identify risks unique to your application with the help of manual techniques.

A security issue where sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, is embedded directly into the application’s source code, making it easier for attackers to discover and exploit these credentials to gain unauthorized access.

A security risk where insecure or misconfigured network protocols are used, enabling attackers to intercept, tamper with, or inject malicious data into the communication between the client and server, leading to data breaches or system compromise.

A security issue where the application’s core functional processes are not properly validated or enforced, potentially allowing attackers to manipulate the application’s intended behavior and exploit it to gain unauthorized access or perform malicious actions.

A vulnerability where an application fails to properly manage and enforce user access rights, potentially allowing unauthorized users to perform actions or access sensitive data beyond their intended permissions. 

A vulnerability where an application does not implement robust mechanisms for verifying user identities and maintaining secure user sessions, making it easier for attackers to impersonate legitimate users or hijack user sessions to gain unauthorized access.

A security risk where programming errors or inadequate memory management can lead to unpredictable application behavior, potentially allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code, crash the application, or gain unauthorized access to system resources.


Why Choose Vumetric For Your Thick Client Penetration Test?

Our thick client penetration testing services have helped hundreds of organizations fix vulnerabilities in their mission-critical applications.

Real-world expertise - Our consultants have tested and successfully secured thick clients of all types, from security software to utility tools.

Manual testing - Our tests combine manual techniques and automated tools in order to identify vulnerabilities unique to your thick client.

Flexibility - Each project is tailored to your context and needs to maximize the results. We don't believe in a cookie-cutter approach.

Consultant approach - To guarantee a successful project, we present our findings and recommendations to your stakeholders to ensure full comprehension of the identified risks and proposed corrective measures.

Need Help To Assess And Improve Your Cybersecurity?

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the purpose of thick client penetration testing?

The purpose of a thick client penetration test is to identify and address cybersecurity vulnerabilities in your organization’s proprietary desktop applications, ensuring the security of sensitive data, preventing unauthorized access by attackers and protecting your end user.

How is it performed? What is the process?

The process includes application scoping, mapping and service identification, reconnaissance and enumeration, application scanning, vulnerability identification, post-exploitation, strategic mitigation, and patch verification. A combination of automated tools and manual techniques is used to identify vulnerabilities and propose appropriate solutions.

What are the requirements to get started?

To prepare for a thick client penetration test, you should gather documentation on the application’s architecture, provide access to the testing environment (if available), and designate a point of contact for communication with our testing team.

Do we need to provide any access or permissions for the test to be conducted?

In most cases, no specific access is required for the test, as the goal is to replicate a real-world attack scenario. However, depending on the features available on the thick client or the specific goals of the test, some level of access or permissions may be necessary. This will be determined in collaboration with our team, ensuring that the test is tailored to your application and security objectives while maintaining a realistic approach.

How long does it take?

The duration of a thick client penetration test depends on the complexity and size of the application. On average, tests can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

How does thick client penetration testing fit into our overall cybersecurity strategy?

Thick client penetration testing is an essential component of your overall application security strategy, more particularly for mission-critical apps, as it helps you identify & fix vulnerabilities to ensure your end users have a secure environment to share sensitive data and conduct their daily operations.

Which types of thick clients can be tested?

Vumetric can test a wide variety of thick clients, ranging from enterprise software and financial applications to utility tools and multimedia applications. Our team of experts has experience in testing thick clients built on various technologies, architectures, and platforms, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of your desktop application’s security, regardless of its complexity or industry-specific requirements.


Professional Reporting With Clear & Actionable Results

Our penetration reports deliver more than a simple export from a security tool. Each vulnerability is exploited, measured and documented by an experienced specialist to ensure you fully understand its business impact.

Each element of the report provides concise and relevant information that contributes significantly towards improving your security posture and meeting compliance requirements:

Executive Summary

High level overview of your security posture, recommendations and risk management implications in a clear, non-technical language.
Suited for non-technical stakeholders.

Vulnerabilities & Recommendations

Vulnerabilities prioritized by risk level, including technical evidence (screenshots, requests, etc.) and recommendations to fix each vulnerability.
Suited for your technical team.


This document will allow you to meet compliance and regulatory reporting requirements efficiently and with minimal overhead.
Suited for third-parties (clients, auditors, etc).


Empowering Your Cybersecurity, Our Mission

Our ISO9001-certified cybersecurity services are trusted by more than 400 organizations each year, including SMBs, Fortune 1000 companies, and government agencies.

CERT Accredited Cybersecurity Company

Your Trusted Cybersecurity Partner

Vumetric is a leading cybersecurity company dedicated to providing comprehensive penetration testing services. We pride ourselves on delivering consistent and high-quality services, backed by our ISO 9001 certified processes and industry standards. Our world-class cybersecurity assessment services have earned the trust of clients of all sizes, including Fortune 1000 companies, SMBs, and government organizations.

Cybersecurity Experts

Certified Hackers

Proven Methodologies


Reputation & Trust

No Outsourcing

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Featured Cybersecurity Services

As a provider entirely dedicated to cybersecurity assessements, our expertise is diversified and adapted to your specific needs:

Penetration Testing

Secure public-facing assets and networks from external threat actors.
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Web Application Penetration Testing

Protect your web applications from malicious behavior and secure your client data.
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Penetration Testing

Secure internal systems, servers and sensitive databases from unauthorized access.
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Mitigate organization-wide threats and benchmark your security posture with best practices.
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Smart Device (IoT)
Penetration Testing

Protect consumer, commercial and industrial IoT devices from disruptions.
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Penetration Testing

Protect your cloud-hosted assets and applications, no matter the cloud provider.
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Everything You Need to Know

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